ocr: Conposcd by Kuni R. Crafl (c)1993 Stored on this disk as both Music-x and MIDI Files Arrangcd for Nusic X and MIDI by Kcuan H. Craft. Fur AM/FM Aniya Musicians Frecuart Mayazine Idon't want to go too dccp as to why I composcd this Roquicn. I liuc in Runcorn, Cheshire, which happens to be the town next door to Warrington, in the IK. - uhrre Lhe reeul. Lerrurist hunhiny imsirlenl. killed Lun yumny huiyx aul in.jured many other people. The tuo boys uho tragically died were aged 4 and 121 Thls is for then. To: hear the music just Configure your sequencer and or MIDI set up as follous:- Sequencer s ...